Our Mission:
To develop youths into better adults.
Who we are:
We are outstanding young Men and Women, that represent the commonwealth of Australia. With courage, initiative, teamwork and respect. We can adapt, improvise and overcome anything.
Our History:
27 Army Cadet Unit (27ACU) began life as Coffs Harbour High School Cadet Unit.
It has the rare distinction of being the only Cadet Unit that served in World War II front line service. This involved guarding the Coffs Harbour coastline during the war. The cadets were attached to the Militia and patrolled the northern and southern beaches around the Jetty area. The cadets were regularly on joint exercise with the Militia and the Regular Army at the jungle training center located in Lowanna, 8 kms inland from Coffs Harbour.
Historically, the cadets patrolled armed with Lee Enfield and .22 rifles. As part of their armoury, they boasted three Bren Guns as well as two 5-inch mortars, which the cadets would often train with on the beaches. Some would say they went fishing with them.
The unit also has the distinction of having the very first female cadets, joining in the late 1980's.
In 2007, the unit conducted a EuroTour of the Western Front. Prestigious events included relighting the Eternal Flame at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, under the Arc du Triomphe in Paris; parading before their Majesties, the Queen of Britain and Queen of Belgium at the 90th Anniversary of the Battle of Passchendaele; parading two days in a row at the Last Post Ceremony at the Menin Gate in Ypres, Belgium.
27ACU were the first Australian contingent to participate in the 40,000-person Vierdaagse (4-Day) March in Njimegan, Netherlands. Cadets and their officers successfully completed the 172 km march over the famed four days, and were awarded the Vierdaagse Medal, a Military Medal awarded by the Dutch Government.
In 2017 CDTLCPL Bellman competed in the NSW AAC Bde "Cadet of the Year" competition against strong competition and was successful, as part of her prize she received a trip on the TS New Endeavour and a Commendation from the BDE Commander
But that's just the history...
Today, 27ACU has a great deal to offer to the youth of Coffs Harbour and it's surrounds.
Discipline, Teamwork, Mateship, Leadership, Bush Skills, Technical Skills, Community Respect & Appreciation, and much more.
"A rising generation under a rising sun"
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30 Mar 2024 by LT (AAC) Courtney Judd
23 Nov 2023 by LT (AAC) Lachlan Chapman
16 Nov 2023 by LT (AAC) Lachlan Chapman
11 Mar 2023 by Courtney Judd
30 Jan 2022 by LT (AAC) Lachlan Chapman
6 Dec 2021 by LT (AAC) Lachlan Chapman
29 Nov 2021 by LT (AAC) Lachlan Chapman
12 Jul 2021 by LT (AAC) Lachlan Chapman
20 Jun 2021 by LT (AAC) Lachlan Chapman
12 Jun 2021 by LT (AAC) Lachlan Chapman
7 Jun 2021 by LT (AAC) Lachlan Chapman